Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Melomakarona ~ μελομακάρονα (Christmas spice cookies)

Melomakarona ~ μελομακάρονα (Christmas spice cookies)

Everyone has their favorite cookie in this family and these are mine! I think a lot of people think of them as a honey cookie but as much as I love honey this is not what I think of when craving these little yummy goodies! They are moist and crunchy at the same time. The light citrus and sweet syrup that coats them is balance and adds all the sweet to these not sweet cookies...they are just perfect and in thinking of words to describe them...my mouth is watering!! No one makes these like Yiayia! Do not be daunted because of the process of first baking, then dipping the cookies in this perfect syrup, its well worth it and your guests will be delighted! ~ Melanie

This is one of my favorite Christmas cookies. When I make these, I like to use fresh spices and grind them myself. The flavor and fragrance is much more intense. ~ Mark

Cookie dough:

2 1/2   cups crisco oil
(* you can probably use other oils successfully but Crisco's cooking oil is very light in flavor and doesn't seem to impart any strange flavors to this simple dough...and it works great)
1/2  lb of unsalted butter
1    cups orange juice
1/4 cup brandy
1   cup sugar
1   tbsp. cinnamon
1   tbsp. ground cloves
1   tbsp. baking soda
zest of 4 oranges
1/4 cup walnuts coarsely ground
6   cups flour
2   cups farina flour "very fine"
(* in the absence of farina you can substitute in cream of wheat cereal, but it must be fine and will usually say farina somewhere on the box)


1 cup honey
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups water
1 cinnamon stick
3-4 whole cloves
1 slice of orange
1 tsp lemon juice

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

In a small bowl, using your fingers, combine the orange zest with the sugar – rubbing the grains as if you were playing with sand to release the orange oils into the sugar.
Using an electric mixer, beat the oil, butter and orange sugar together until well mixed. Mix in the orange juice and brandy.  In a separate bowl, mix the flour, farina, ground cloves and cinnamon, baking soda. Sift this mixture.

Slowly incorporate the flour cup by cup until the mixture forms a dough that is not too loose but not quite firm either. It will be dense and wet but not sticky. Once the flour is incorporated fully stop mixing.
To roll cookies, pinch a portion of dough off about the size of a walnut. Shape in your palms into a smooth oblong shape, almost like a small egg. Place on an un-greased cookie sheet. Shape and roll cookies until the sheet is filled.
Press the tines of a large fork in a crosshatch pattern in the center of each cookie. This will flatten them slightly in the center. The cookies should resemble lightly flattened ovals when they go in the oven.Bake in a preheated 350-degree oven for 25 – 30 minutes until lightly browned. (The cookies will darken when submerged in syrup.)
While the cookies are baking, prepare the syrup.
In a saucepan, combine the honey, sugar, water, cinnamon, cloves, lemon juice, and slice of orange. Bring the mixture to a boil then lower the heat and simmer uncovered for about 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the cinnamon, and orange slice.Place the ground walnuts in a shallow plate or bowl next to the stove top. When the cookies come out of the oven and while they are still very warm, carefully float the cookies in the syrup and allow the cookies to absorb syrup on both sides.Using a fork or small spatula, remove the cookie from the syrup and place on a platter or plate. Press ground walnuts lightly into the tops of the cookies (syrup will help it adhere) and sprinkle lightly with ground cinnamon.he oven to 350 degrees.

In a small bowl, using your fingers, combine the orange zest with the sugar – rubbing the grains as if you were playing with sand to release the orange oils into the sugar.
Using an electric mixer, beat the oil, butter and orange sugar together until well mixed. Mix in the orange juice and brandy.  In a separate bowl, mix the flour, farina, ground cloves and cinnamon, baking soda. Sift this mixture.

Slowly incorporate the flour cup by cup until the mixture forms a dough that is not too loose but not quite firm either. It will be dense and wet but not sticky. Once the flour is incorporated fully stop mixing.
To roll cookies, pinch a portion of dough off about the size of a walnut. Shape in your palms into a smooth oblong shape, almost like a small egg. Place on an un-greased cookie sheet. Shape and roll cookies until the sheet is filled.
Press the tines of a large fork in a crosshatch pattern in the center of each cookie. This will flatten them slightly in the center. The cookies should resemble lightly flattened ovals when they go in the oven.Bake in a preheated 350-degree oven for 25 – 30 minutes until lightly browned. (The cookies will darken when submerged in syrup.)
While the cookies are baking, prepare the syrup.
In a saucepan, combine the honey, sugar, water, cinnamon, cloves, lemon juice, and slice of orange. Bring the mixture to a boil then lower the heat and simmer uncovered for about 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the cinnamon, and orange slice.Place the ground walnuts in a shallow plate or bowl next to the stove top. When the cookies come out of the oven and while they are still very warm, carefully float the cookies in the syrup and allow the cookies to absorb syrup on both sides.Using a fork or small spatula, remove the cookie from the syrup and place on a platter or plate. Press ground walnuts lightly into the tops of the cookies (syrup will help it adhere) and sprinkle lightly with ground cinnamon.

Semolina Halva ~ χαλβάς με καρύδια (Semolina pudding)

Semolina Halva ~  χαλβάς με καρύδια (Semolina pudding)

For my pilot son, Greg. Love mom. ~ Yiayia

who doesn't like Halva? For some reason this ones been designated as EFG (Especially for Greg) my brother in law... ~ Melanie

1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup Butter
3 cups of semolina flour
2 cups sugar
4 cups water
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 to 2 tsp ground cinnamon for dusting

  In a heavy 10 to 12 inch skillet, heat the oil over moderate heat until a light haze forms above it. Pour in the semolina in a slow, thin stream, stirring constantly. Stir in the chopped walnuts. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until all the oil has absorbed and the meal turns into a light golden color. Add the sugar and then gradually stir in the water. Continue cooking for about 10 minutes longer, stirring constantly until the mixture is thick enough to hold its shape almost solidly in the spoon. Watch for burning and regulate the heat accordingly. Pour the halva into and un-greased 6x10x2 inch baking dish, spreading it out and smoothing the top with a metal spatula or the back of a spoon. Dust the top of the halva with cinnamon. Cool until firm. Just before serving, cut into 1 inch squares. Alternately, you can use a jello mold to form this into a decorative desert.

Koulourakia ~ κουλουράκια (twisted shortbread cookies)

Koulourakia κουλουράκια (twisted shortbread cookies)

  These versatile little cookies were a staple in our household. Yiayia always had a bag of them stashed away somewhere. They are lightly crunchy and flaky on the outside. The orange flavor is a subtle background note to this cookie making it suitable to serve with coffee, tea, or for any occasion. ~ Mark

This recipe is dedicated to all my grandchildren. I love you babies! ~ Yiayia 

Cookie dough:

12 egg yolks (save the whites for the egg wash)
Zest of 3 oranges
1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice
2 cups sugar
1 lb unsalted butter (room temperature)
1 rounded tsp baking soda
5 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla, whiskey, Grand Marnier, or other flavoring
7 cups of flour (approximate)

Egg wash:

Egg whites left over from separating yolks for the dough
1/2 tsp canned milk

 Beat the butter at room temperature until light and fluffy. In a separate bowl, beat egg yolks with sugar. Add egg yolk/sugar mixture to the butter. Mix well. In a separate bowl, mix the flour and baking powder, and sift. In a large container, add the baking soda to the orange juice. This will foam, increasing its volume. Immediately add the orange juice mixture to the butter mixture. While continuously mixing, begin to add the flour, one cup at a time until the mixture begins to thicken. The dough should be soft but not sticky. Adjust the amount of flour until you achieve the right consistency. Take a small hand full of dough and roll it by hand into a long rope, about 6-8 inches long. fold in half and twist 3 or 4 times. Place on a non-stick or lightly greased cookie sheet. 
  Preheat the oven to 350°. Mix the egg whites with the canned milk. Brush the tops of each cookie with this mixture prior to baking. Bake for approximately 12 minutes or until the cookies are golden on top.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Kourabiedes ~ κουραμπιέδες (Powder sugar cookies)

Kourabiedes ~ κουραμπιέδες (Powder sugar cookies)

Arguably everyones favorite in our household, especially as children. We always had these cookies around for the holidays...but not for very long! ~ Mark

1 lb unsalted butter, softened
1/3 cup sifted powdered sugar
1 tablespoon rounded of Crisco
1/4 cup Cognac, Brandy or ouzo
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 ½ cups sifted all – purpose flour

In a large mixing bowl, cream butter and powdered sugar until light and fluffy.
Beat the Crisco, Cognac and vanilla into butter mixture.
Gradually blend in the flour until completely mixed. 
Use about 2 tsp of dough to form each cookie into dough balls. Flatten dough balls with your thumb.
Place on an un-greased cookie sheet. 
Bake at 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes. the cookies will just start turning golden when done.

Place cooked cookies onto wire rack and sprinkle with powdered sugar before they are cool as this helps the sugar stick.  The cookies should be completely covered in a dense layer of powdered sugar.  Let cool completely before serving.